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CEO and Founder Katya Kuziankova is a former Cirque Du Soleil Artist and First Strength Conditioning Coach


CEO & Founder

CEO and Founder Katya Kuziankova is a former Cirque Du Soleil Artist and First Strength Conditioning Coach. She was a National Gymnastics and Tumbling Champion multiple times and European Bronze Medalist twice. Her knowledge and commitment to excellence in everything she does makes her a leader in providing excellent wellness service to individuals & various companies in Miami.


Katya received the following certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine:

 - Corrective Exercices Specialist (CES)

 - Performance Enhancements Specialist (PES)

 - Personal Trainer (CPT)

She has over 20 years of experience and has a Bachelor's degree in Physical Education, specializing in Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation.

Katya traveled to over 60 countries as a Keynote speaker to discuss various health issues and injuries.

We are here to help you "Fuel your body for healthy living & success!"

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